How do I become an approved volunteer? It’s easy….
1. Complete, sign, and date a Volunteer Interest Form
2. View a “one time” Volunteer Orientation Video available at the school;
3. Have appropriate background checks on file at the school (renewed every 2 years);
Support and service to an organization you believe in is not just something that we ask of Riverview parents; it is a core lesson we teach all of our students. Through your gifts of time, talent, and resources, you show your meaningful support of this school and the work we do.
Parents, Grandparents, students, and individuals in the business or retired community. People who feel the need to support the school in their effort to educate each child to meet his or her full potential. Anyone who has a skill that can enrich the school program. Volunteer opportunities are many, and are listed on the Supporting RCS page on the school website. We encourage you to get involved in your child’s school. If going on a class field trip, volunteers must be on the approved list to chaperone.
All volunteers at Riverview Charter School MUST view the Volunteer Orientation Video that lasts approximately 15 minutes. A Volunteer Interest Form must be completed and returned prior to being put on the Approved Volunteer List, so that a background check may be completed.
Volunteer forms are available in the Front Office or you can print a Volunteer Interest Form and bring it in with you when you come to view the video. Please check the website calendar for orientation dates.
Riverview’s insurance policy requires that any person in contact with the students must have a current SLED background check. An $8 donation will cover the cost of your SLED check. You can also run and pay for your own SLED check. Click here to complete your SLED check online. Once you print out your SLED report, turn it in to the school office for their records and you will be notified when you are authorized to volunteer.