Riverview Charter School Positions

2025-26 SY Openings:

1st Grade Teacher

Early Childhood Instructional Assistant

Evening Custodian (Part-time)

Click below to view RCS’s applications. RCS accepts applications year-round.

How to Apply

​Before you begin our online employment application, please ensure you have all of the required documents: Cover Letter, Resume, Documentation to demonstrate who you are as a teacher (i.e. newsletter, unit plan, educational philosophy)

Upon receipt of Application, you will receive an email from Personnel. Documents are reviewed and screened by Personnel and interviews are scheduled based on the credentials of the applicant and the needs of the school.

Interviews are by appointment only. Invitations for interviews will be sent via email with a date and time.

​Riverview accepts Employment Applications all year.
Interviews are scheduled based on the needs of the school.
Riverview Charter School employees are not Beaufort County School District employees.


  • Riverview is ranked in the top 3% of South Carolina schools (K-8)
  • K-8 School with 700 Students
  • Passionate, dedicated, innovative, and caring teachers and staff
  • Positive and supportive work environment
  • Competitive salary (comparable to Beaufort County School District)
  • State of SC PEBA Benefits (Insurance, Retirement, Supply and NBC stipends)
  • Small class size of 20 students per homeroom; student to teacher ratio 20:2 (K-1), 20:1 (2-8)​
  • Shared planning time with grade level teammates (minimum of 75 minutes/day)
  • Fall, winter, spring breaks
  • Teachers earn 10 days of Paid Time Off (FTE for part-time)
  • Priority status for children of employees
  • Modern technology in each classroom (iPad, AppleTV, MacBook laptops)
  • School of choice: Teachers & Families CHOOSE to be at Riverview Charter School

Thank you for your interest in Riverview Charter School. Riverview sets high standards for its faculty and staff. The School seeks applicants who are willing to bring flexibility, enthusiasm and commitment to their positions, who have outstanding educational and/or experiential backgrounds, who encourage critical thinking and creative problem solving, who embrace the mission and vision of the school and share Riverview’s educational philosophy and core values.

Our Mission

To create a small, diverse learning community that actively engages students in meaningful and innovative learning experiences. Emphasizing “learning by doing”, family and community involvement, and engaged citizenship, Riverview is committed to nurturing the whole child and preparing each student for a global society.

Our School

Riverview Charter School is Beaufort County’s first public charter school and opened in August 2009. It is sponsored by the Beaufort County School District and as with all public schools, there is no tuition fee. There is also no pre-admission testing or interview required for students. The school is open to all Beaufort County students. Riverview’s Charter (a legally binding contract with the sponsoring school district) outlines a growth pattern to open the school with Kindergarten through 5th grade and has expanded one grade per year. We now serve Kindergarten through 8th grade. Each class has a maximum of 20 students.
The school is led by a Distributed Leadership Team, including a School Director as well as directors of operations, curriculum, instruction and assessment.

Riverview is a non-profit corporation and is governed by a Board of Directors who are elected annually by the parents and faculty of the school, in keeping with the South Carolina charter school law.

​Our Learning Community

Our core values of Integrity, Cooperation, Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness, Perseverance, Stewardship and Optimism guide the policies, practices, and development of our school. At Riverview we strive to create a learning community with:


  • Are self directed, joyful learners;
  • Are active participants in the learning processes;
  • Are effective communicators: confident and competent in articulating their observations, discoveries, and ideas;
  • Are explorers and academic risk-takers;
  • Are responsible, engaged members of the community that demonstrate Riverview’s core values;
  • Are expected and encouraged to do their best;
  • Appreciate the special gifts and talents of others and themselves.


  • Make children feel safe, valued, and loved;
  • Demonstrate flexibility, creativity, consistency, and innovation;
  • Encourage critical thinking and creative problem solving;
  • Communicate effectively;
  • Inspire and motivate;
  • Share Riverview’s educational philosophy and core values;
  • Challenge their students to do their best;
  • Embrace the mission and vision of the school;
  • Recognize students’ individual intelligences, gifts, talents, and special needs;
  • Know each of their students well;
  • Are lifelong learners.


  • Focuses on the whole child;
  • Combines academic excellence with civic engagement;
  • Emphasizes 21st century skills and concepts;
  • Recognizes and accommodates individual differences in development, temperament, and learning style;
  • Fosters an appreciation for the arts, sciences, and natural world through active participation;
  • Integrates skills and concepts into the context of real-life experiences and projects, allowing kids to “see the big
  • Broadens and enriches the child’s view of the world;
  • Engages students in active, meaningful learning experiences;
  • Studies the past, to understand the present, and envision the future


  • Members share common core values;
  • Members are dedicated to the mission and vision of the school;
  • Policies and practices are fair, equitable, and ethical;
  • Administration and governance is stable and reflects the values of the community;
  • Members are partners in responsibility and commitment to the children;
  • Finances are managed soundly and responsibly;
  • Members nurture the whole child and prepare students to be engaged, global citizens. ​

Riverview Charter School is a public charter school in the Beaufort County School District and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, gender, or ability level in admission nor charge for enrollment. The school administers all required state tests and complies with SC educational requirements.